
Not so Smart Phone

Wednesday March 4, 2015

Last night my 15 year old daughter asked me a question then responded to a text message on her smart phone while I was answering. When she had finished she looked up and said, ‘Pardon?’

And recently I have been in one-on-one meetings with people who constantly glanced at their smart phone during our conversation or worse, interrupted it to answer a call.

A recent study of business etiquette and smart phones by the USC Marshall School of Business found that:

  • 86% of respondents thought it was inappropriate to answer phone calls during meetings
  • 84% thought it was inappropriate to write texts or emails during meetings
  • 66% thought it was inappropriate to write texts or emails even during lunches offsite
  • The more money people make the less they approve of smart phone use.

The study also found that Millennials are three times more likely than those over 40 to think that smart phone use during meetings is okay. The unfortunate reality is that Millennials are highly dependent upon the opinions of those of us over 40 for career advancement.

When you take out your smart phone during a meeting you are not:

  • Showing respect. You consider the information on your phone to be more important than the conversation you are having and the people you are with.
  • Paying attention. You are unable to stay focused on one thing at a time.
  • Listening. You aren’t practicing active listening. No one around you feels heard.
  • Being self-aware: You don’t understand how your behaviour looks to other people.
  • Being socially aware: You don’t understand how your behavior affects those around you.

Okay, I understand that sometimes you are waiting for an important call but those situations will be rare. And if that’s the case, politely tell the person you’re meeting with that you may be interrupted.

Otherwise, give them your attention. After all, they were important enough to get some time in your busy calendar and who knows, they may just be someone who will influence your career!

Categories: Self Development Technology